[`York Collective`](<https://yorkcollective.co.uk/>)
<aside> ℹ️ Given the current COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, you must strictly adhere to, at least, the following instructions:
<aside> ⚠️ These instructions may be superseded by government guidelines at any time. Regularly check https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus.
The courier will drop off your order on your doorstep, so you won’t have to approach the person who comes to deliver. There is also no need to leave a tip.
The virus can survive on cardboard and plastic surfaces for several days. Packaging is therefore a high risk route of transmission of the virus. We therefore ask you to unpack your order and transfer the contents to plates.
Once your order is unpacked, be sure to dispose of the packaging in a closed bin to avoid inadvertently touching it later.
Once you have unpacked your order and discarded the packaging, wash your hands!
[`Powered by CoopCycle`](<https://coopcycle.org/en/>)